Looking Forward – an exciting new project at Bulumbu

We are currently raising funds for the construction of a Skills Centre to be sited at the entrance to the Little Angels Primary School at Bulumbu.

Not all of the children in the community are fortunate enough to acquire an education. Before the inauguration of the Little Angels schools and the sponsorship programme, too many young girls and boys grew up without a formal education as their parents could not afford the required fees. For girls there was (and is) an additional problem – forced marriage and pregnancy mean that their educational life can come to an early end. By the age of 13, they can already be mothers.

Our Ugandan colleagues are keen to do something to help young people in this situation. The idea is to give them practical skills which will offer them a chance in the employment market. These could include training in carpentry, tailoring, hairdressing, welding, cooking and arts and crafts.

Brick making


These young people and certainly the elderly are part of a culture of dependency.

The former have had  no opportunity to gain skills and the latter have no alternative but to live off the support of young relatives in Kampala. It is a sad situation which has become worse during the Covid-19 pandemic and which led to us having to give additional food aid.

We are looking to poverty reduction and improved welfare – but much more than that. It will help to put a smile on the faces of men and women of all ages and we trust that it will also breathe new life into a village community that has given up.

Community sewing

Back to School and Exams

The pupils have now completed their exams for both UCE (Uganda Certificate of Education), the equivalent of GCSE, and PLE (Primary Leaving Exam). The tests for those students sitting their UACE (Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education), “A” levels, are about to get under way.

Final preparations for the PLE

We have sponsored students in all three categories. We shall keep you updated on how the girls and boys have got on as soon as we know the results. It’s going to take a while yet!

The return to school is taking slow, but we hope certain, steps. Back at school already are Primary 5,6,7 as well as Secondary 3-6. Those in the 1st year of their secondary school life are due back this month. For the others, we shall still have to wait a bit longer. Very sad.

These children have lost a lot; their education has been curtailed as have all the other benefits of school life, not to mention a year of their childhood. The fear is that very many children will never return and complete their schooling. The additional poverty brought on by Covid-19 will mean that many more families will be unable to afford it. Children are working to keep their families alive and lockdown has sent so many young girls into pregnancies and early marriage.

Refreshment time at the Bulumbu kitchen

A New Problem

A disturbing new situation is now coming to light. Parents who formerly provided their children in the city with a family life have lost their livelihoods and are finding it difficult to survive, let alone care for their young.

This has led to an influx of primary school age children being abandoned with relatives at both Bulumbu and Bubebbere; often aunts and grandparents. These are people who already find life a challenge. We are being presented with a new group of children who lack the wherewithal to pay school fees. It is easy to see the pressure that this is putting on the village community.

Too often – unless we can help – these children’s lives will be ones where they are called on to work in the home and garden and to care for younger family members.

Some childhood that!

Covid-19 Vaccinations

At the last count, Uganda had received fewer than a million vaccines and reports are that getting even these utilised has been very slow going. The plan is that health workers should be the first to be vaccinated, followed by teachers.

More sponsorship successes to celebrate

Here are two more successful young women that Forever Friends of Uganda are proud of.

Maria is currently studying Law at university

Daphine has qualified as a primary school teacher.


We reported in February how proud we are of the daily radio broadcasts being presented by former sponsored student, Joweria Nakalema. Since then she has taken a further step forward and now also hosts a Saturday programme for teens!

Bravo Joweria.


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1 thought on “Looking Forward – an exciting new project at Bulumbu

  1. Felicity Jones

    A great blog as usual Keith. I’m well cheered.



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